A tribute to the Scout Movement. I served as a boyscout for 6 years at my school by helping others, gaining various skills, and having fun! I enjoyed every little moment of being a Scout.
Yeah, it is time to make my portfolio bigger. And all I need is, stuffs. So I started digging old sketches , those I once considered as crap. But I realized that I was wrong, when I digitalized them. One of the Illustrated sketch is here. More will be coming soon!
Two and half months without blogging.. I know its a long gap. But I am back with something new
Having a web design craze now. I will be coming up with more stuffs This design is based on a tutorial from Sixrevisions.com- A cool web design blog. And the social networking icons from webtoolkit4.me.
Thanks Vipin, Sohan and Suresh! ( for featuring them in the design, without permission!)
From the childhood itself, I wanted to be an artist.I started creating my first digital artworks in Microsoft Paint. Instantly, it turned into real passion. After completing my higher-secondary school education, I joined for Advanced Diploma in Multimedia Technologies, which gave me the knowledge in the real digital art tools. Soon after completing my studies, an MNC employed me as Visual designer.
It still going...
I like doing vector artworks..
And i spend my free time with novels, comics and movies.