Sunday, November 14, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Donate Blood poster design

I was told to design a poster on Donation of Blood. Used minimal text and colors to reflect the simple idea.

Click the thumbnail for larger view.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


A tribute to the Scout Movement.
I served as a boyscout for 6 years at my school by helping others, gaining various skills, and having fun! I enjoyed every little moment of being a Scout.

Be prepared! - Scout motto.

click the image for detailed view.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chilhood memories

Yeah, it is time to make my portfolio bigger. And all I need is, stuffs. So I started digging old sketches , those I once considered as crap. But I realized that I was wrong, when I digitalized them. One of the Illustrated sketch is here. More will be coming soon!

Click on the image to have a closer look.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Designerd web interface design

Two and half months without blogging.. I know its a long gap. But I am back with something new

Having a web design craze now. I will be coming up with more stuffs
This design is based on a tutorial from A cool web design blog. And the social networking icons from

Thanks Vipin, Sohan and Suresh! ( for featuring them in the design, without permission!)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Birthday Boy!

Only few hours for my 20th birthday !
Yes guys, It's been 20 years since i started troubling my mom! She called me today, and told the things I should do at this age. Like quitting the drinks, having more faith on God, being more practical in life so and so..

Well, I'm gonna try to fulfill her expectations. Lemme see.